Supporting Self-Efficacy in Piyungan
Last month a group of researchers from Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta in Indonesia published the findings of an intervention designed to help mothers of disabled children promote self-efficacy in their children and develop social support networks. The mothers with whom they worked filled out surveys and met in small groups to share their concerns and work on action plans for the future.
The research group (citation below) defined self-efficacy as the belief in one’s own ability to perform specific behaviors and complete tasks. Their work with mothers went beyond that basic definition though. By the end of their sessions, mothers emphasized the need for social support and validation for what they were doing with their children to avoid the isolation that may occur during the ongoing adjustment to their children’s varying needs.
In the United States we have quite a few sites and groups that allow people to connect virtually but we can’t forget the value of personalized attention. The next time you meet with a parent, remember to give them kudos! Even if their situation is a mess, a little validation for their attempt goes a long way.
Sekar, A., Jannah, S., Anjeli, R., Zulaikhah, D., Nafiani, W., & Rahmatulloh, A. (2025). Psychoeducation: Facing challenges through social support as a foundation for self-efficacy and family wellbeing of children with disabilities in Piyungan. Jurnal Pengabdian Pasyarakat, Vol. 1(No 1), p. 11-19.